
 Public Records Search
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USING OUR DIRECTORY OF PUBLIC RECORD LINKS is designed to make it easy to find public records. We started this project in 1996 and have worked since then to search every national, state, county, local, and international government web site to find just where to go to get the information you need. You can begin your search for public records now by utilizing our up-to-date link database.

Of course you can always use search engines to find online public record information. The problem with using search engines is: 1) you don't know if the information you want is even available online; 2) you may get so many results that it would take hours to sort through all the results to find what you want; and 3) the link you find may not be current.

The information you'll find here is current. We run a program daily that tells us if there are any dead or broken links on the site, and we work each day to find the new links or locate an alternative resource. Once you get to the database you want, you'll find that it's the most current information available, as it is provided by the public entity that gathers it.

The Free Public Records Directory is easy to use. It's organized primarily by geographic location, so if you're looking for free public records in Ohio, use our new search features in the blue box in the center of the page. Use the drop-down menu called "By State" to select Ohio Public Records. Or, scroll down to the directory in the lower half of our home page and click the section titled "United States Free Public Records by State." At the next page, click on "Ohio Free Public Records." The links there are statewide resources. If you're looking for information in a particular city or county, use the links at the top of that page.

You can also Find Free Public Records in Ohio by clicking on the Directory heading "United States Free Public Records By State."

Local records such as property, deeds, mortgages, etc. are usually found at the county level. If you're looking for property in the city of Cleveland, you'll find it in the Cuyahoga County Free Public Records page. From the Ohio page, click on the subcategory "Ohio Counties Free Public Records." At the next page, you can scroll through a list of Ohio County directories and click on "Cuyahoga County."

With our new search features, you can locate the county directories even if you don't know the corresponding county for a city. To do this, use the search field called "By City and State" inside the blue box in the center of the page. Type in "Cleveland, OH" and click GO. The next page will have links to both Cleveland city databases, and the corresponding county databases (Cuyahoga County).

We've also taken the most popular categories of public records and put them into a section of their own called "Free Public Records by Type of Record." So if you're looking for professional licenses in Nevada, go to the free public records directory in the lower half of the page and click on the heading "Free Public Records by Type of Record," then click on "Licenses," then click on "Nevada." Similarly, if you're looking for property records, use the "Type of Record" directory and click on "Property Records," then select a state and you'll be taken to a list of all the property databases that we've located in that state since we started this service in 1996.